EVSC Major Recommended Course Selection   (20 Courses)

First Year
Fall Spring
EVST 100 Environmental Science Core
Math 161 Math 162
BIOL 111 or CHEM 121 CHEM 122
FYS CCS Elective
Sophomore Year
Fall Spring
Math 186 Environmental Science Core
PHYS 111 or 131 Concentration Course
Environmental Science Core Concentration Course
CCS Elective CCS Elective or EVST Elective
Junior Year
POTENTIALLY STUDY OFF CAMPUS (examples: Frontier’s Abroad, SEA, SES)
Fall Spring
Concentration Course Concentration Course or CCS Elective
EVST Elective EVST 290 or Elective
Concentration Course CCS Elective
CCS Elective or EVST Elective CCS Elective
Senior Year
Fall Spring
EVST 400 Concentration Course
Concentration Course Concentration Course or CCS Elective
CCS Elective EVST Elective
CCS Elective CCS Elective
Concentration Options:
Hydrology/Aquatic Systems Restoration Ecology Energy Resources
One from each set 3 Required Courses 3 Required Courses
Geol 210 Biol 231 EGRS 352
Geol 300 or CE/EVSC 352 or CE 351 Biol 272 ChE 211
Biol 231 or Biol 332 or Biol 341 Geol 300 ChE 222 or ME 354
Plus ANY 3 of the following Plus ANY 3 of the following Plus ANY 3 of the following
Biol 231 Biol 215 CE 251 or ME 362
Biol 332 Biol 224 CE/EVSC 352
Biol 341 Biol 225 CE 351
CE 321 Biol 275 ChE 311
CE 351 Biol 332 ChE 370
CE/EVSC 352 Biol 341 Geol 215
CE 423 Biol 342 Geol 229
CE 425 CE 351 Geol 317
CE 451 CE/EVSC 352 Geol 322/CE 464
ChE 211 CE/EVSC 322 ME 470
Chem 231 CE 423 ME 475
Chem 252 CE 425 ME 483
EVSC/GEOL 211 CE 451
Geol 205 EVSC/GEOL 211
Geol 229 Geol 205
Geol 300 Geol 210
Geol 315 Geol 229
Geol 321 Geol 321
Geol 322/CE 464